Diploma in Environmental Agriculture
Diploma in Food and Beverage Management
Diploma in Business Management
Diploma in Electrical and Electronics Engineering
Diploma in General Agriculture
Diploma in Clothing and Garment Technology
Diploma in Co-operative Management
Diploma in Secretarial Studies
Diploma in Human Resource Management
Diploma in Sales and Marketing
Diploma in Supply Chain Management
Diploma in Library and Information Studies
Diploma in Road Transport Management
Diploma in Accountancy
Diploma in Social Work and Community Development
Diploma in Business Information Technology
Diploma in Applied Biology
Diploma in Analytical Chemistry
Diploma in Baking Technology
Diploma in ICT Skills and Entrepreneurship
Module I

3 hours


  • You should have the following for this examination paper:
    Answer booklet.
    Scientific calculator, where applicable.

This paper consists of THREE sections A, B, and C.
Answer any TWO questions from section A, ONE question from section B, and TWO questions from section C.
All questions carry equal marks.
Candidates should check the question paper to ensure that all the pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.

This paper consists of 8 printed pages.
Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.

Answer any TWO questions from this section.

1. (a) State the function of each of the following keyboard shortcuts used in windows operating system. (4 marks)
(i) Alt + Del
Answer: Opens the task manager in some systems or closes the active window.

(ii) Alt + Tab
Answer: Switches between open applications.

(iii) Ctrl + S
Answer: Saves the current document.

(iv) Ctrl + C
Answer: Copies the selected text or item to the clipboard.

(b) Explain TWO reasons that may make an organization to install anti-virus software. (4 marks)

  • To prevent, detect, and remove malware, including viruses, worms, and Trojan horses.
  • To protect sensitive data from being stolen by hackers or malicious software.

(c) Distinguish between the ‘dir’ and ‘log off’ commands as used in computers. (4 marks)

  • ‘dir’ command: Displays a list of files and directories in a specified directory.
  • ‘log off’ command: Ends the current user session and logs the user out of the system.

2. (a) The following document was created using a word processor:
Language Variation
Language variation is an important part of sociolinguistics. Language varies from one place to another, from one social group to another, and from one language situation to another. Variety of language refers to a type of sociolinguistics item with similar social distribution, pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary. Varieties of language may include:

  • Lingua franca.
  • Dialects.
  • Registers.
  • Accents.
  • Registers.

Outline FIVE formatting features used in the document. (10 marks)

  • Bold text: Used for headings or emphasis.
  • Italics: For foreign words or emphasis.
  • Bullets: To list items or points.
  • Paragraph spacing: Clear separation between paragraphs.
  • Justification: Aligning text either left or fully justified.

(b) Explain batch data processing mode. (4 marks)
Answer: Batch data processing is a method where data is collected over a period of time, processed as a group (or batch), and the results are generated later. This method is commonly used for tasks such as payroll, billing, or updating of large databases.

(c) Distinguish between the ‘reply’ and ‘forward’ commands as used in emails. (4 marks)

  • Reply: Responds directly to the sender of the email.
  • Forward: Sends the received email to another recipient who wasn’t included in the original email.

Answer any ONE question from this section.

4. (a) State FOUR mistakes that an interviewer should avoid before conducting an interview. (4 marks)

  • Failing to prepare adequately.
  • Being late to the interview.
  • Allowing personal biases to influence the process.
  • Not reviewing the candidate’s resume in advance.

(b) Explain the objective of conducting each of the following types of interviews in an organization:
(i) disciplinary;
Answer: To address employee misconduct or poor performance and to enforce corrective measures.

(ii) counseling.
Answer: To provide guidance and support to employees dealing with personal or professional issues that may affect their work.

(c) Explain FOUR ways in which a listener may hinder effective listening during a face-to-face communication. (4 marks)

  • Interrupting the speaker.
  • Being distracted by external factors (e.g., phone, background noise).
  • Prejudging the speaker or message.
  • Lack of interest or attention.

(d) Distinguish between formal and informal reports as used in report writing. (4 marks)

  • Formal reports: Structured, detailed, and often used in official, business, or academic contexts (e.g., research reports, financial reports).
  • Informal reports: Less structured, often short and used for internal purposes (e.g., memos, internal updates).

(e) Outline FOUR benefits that may be associated with the use of visual communication. (4 marks)

  • Simplifies complex information.
  • Captures attention more effectively.
  • Improves understanding and retention.
  • Makes the message more engaging and memorable.

Answer any TWO questions from this section.

6. (a) State FOUR reasons that may cause an entrepreneur to fail in managing time effectively. (4 marks)

  • Lack of proper planning and prioritization.
  • Procrastination and delay in decision-making.
  • Failure to delegate tasks.
  • Being overwhelmed by too many responsibilities or tasks.

(b) Outline TWO reasons that may lead to failure of a business during the growth stage. (4 marks)

  • Lack of adequate resources (financial, human, etc.).
  • Poor management and inability to scale operations effectively.

(c) Explain TWO ways in which an entrepreneur may use each of the following to market the organization’s products:
(i) business stationery;
Answer: By including the company logo, contact information, and product offerings on stationery like letterheads and business cards, which helps promote brand identity.

(ii) business cards.
Answer: Business cards can be used to quickly provide potential clients with key contact information and a brief overview of products or services, serving as a tangible reminder of the business.

(d) Highlight THREE differences between an entrepreneur and an intrapreneur. (4 marks)

  • Entrepreneur: Owns and operates their own business; Intrapreneur: Works within an organization to innovate.
  • Entrepreneur: Bears the financial risk of the business; Intrapreneur: Does not bear financial risks directly.
  • Entrepreneur: Has more freedom in decision-making; Intrapreneur: Operates within the constraints of the organization.

8. (a) Outline SIX advantages of packaging a product. (6 marks)

  • Protects the product from damage.
  • Enhances the appearance and attractiveness of the product.
  • Provides information about the product (ingredients, usage, etc.).
  • Facilitates easy handling and storage.
  • Differentiates the product from competitors.
  • Promotes brand recognition.

(b) Explain ONE way in which each of the following factors promotes entrepreneurial growth:
(i) market;
Answer: A growing market provides more opportunities for sales and expansion.

(ii) raw materials;
Answer: Availability of raw materials ensures production continuity and lowers costs.

(iii) human resources.
Answer: Skilled and motivated employees contribute to innovation and business efficiency.

(c) Outline EIGHT qualities of a successful entrepreneur. (8 marks)

  • Risk-taker.
  • Innovative and creative.
  • Resilient and persistent.
  • Good communication skills.
  • Strong leadership and management skills.
  • Adaptable to changes.
  • Self-motivated and disciplined.
  • Customer-focused.

This is the last printed page.

