Paper 1
November 2022
Time: 2 hours

a) Outline three advantages that an organization would get for using email for their communication.

  • Fast communication: Emails are sent and received instantly, allowing for real-time communication.
  • Cost-effective: Sending emails is significantly cheaper compared to traditional mailing systems.
  • Multiple recipients: Emails can be sent to multiple recipients simultaneously, saving time.

b) Describe each of the following terms as used in desktop publishing applications:

  • Body: The main text or content area in a document.
  • Crop: A tool used to remove unwanted outer areas of an image or document.
  • Wrap: A text formatting option that allows text to flow around an image or object.

c) Distinguish between device drivers and firmware as used in computers.

  • Device drivers: These are specific software programs that control hardware devices and allow the operating system to communicate with them.
  • Firmware: This is a type of permanent software programmed into a hardware device, often stored in its ROM.

d) Nancy was tasked to design a database for data storage. Outline four aspects she would consider before designing the database.

  • Data integrity: Ensuring the accuracy and consistency of the data over its lifecycle.
  • Data security: Implementing measures to protect data from unauthorized access or corruption.
  • Data accuracy: Ensuring that the data entered and stored is correct.
  • Ease of retrieval: Structuring the database to make data easy to retrieve and manipulate.

a) Outline the meaning of each of the following database concepts:

  • Data entity: An object or thing in the database, typically a table that stores data.
  • Data attribute: A characteristic or property of a data entity, typically a column in a table.
  • Data tuple: A single row or record in a database table.
  • Data integrity: The accuracy and consistency of data over its entire lifecycle.

b) Rose was tasked to design a database for an organization’s data storage. Outline four aspects she would consider when designing the database fields.

  • Field type: Ensuring the correct data type (e.g., text, number) is used for each field.
  • Field size: Allocating an appropriate length or size for each field.
  • Field name: Giving each field a clear, descriptive name.
  • Field constraints: Defining rules like “required” or “unique” to maintain data integrity.

c) A computer technician was required to install an operating system. Explain two types of operating systems stating how they could be used.

  • Single-user operating system: This OS allows only one user to use the system at a time, e.g., Windows 10 on a personal computer.
  • Multi-user operating system: This OS allows multiple users to access the system simultaneously, e.g., Linux on a server.

d) Jack was called for service as a database consultant. He needs to clarify the tasks of a database administrator. State four such duties that he would consider when attending to the client’s storage.

  • Managing database backups: Ensuring regular backups are made to prevent data loss.
  • Monitoring database performance: Ensuring the database operates efficiently.
  • Ensuring database security: Implementing and managing access controls and security measures.
  • Configuring database access: Setting up user permissions and roles to control who can access specific data.

a) Outline the function of each of the following formulas in a spreadsheet program:

  • IF: Performs a logical test and returns one value if true, another value if false.
  • LEN: Returns the length of a string (number of characters).
  • Concatenate: Combines two or more strings into one.

b) Replace one occurrence in each case that would reconstruct the use of the following formulas in word processing programs:

  • Bold: Highlights text to make it thicker and stand out.
  • Italics: Slants text to emphasize or differentiate it.
  • Underline: Draws a line under the text to emphasize it.

c) Distinguish between ruler guides and color guides as applied in desktop publishing programs.

  • Ruler guides: These are lines used to help align objects, text, and margins in a document.
  • Color guides: These are tools to ensure consistent use of colors and assist with managing color schemes in design.

d) Align a header or title in an ideal slide using a presentation program. Outline two functions alignment options that could apply.

  • Center alignment: Aligns the header or title in the middle of the slide.
  • Left alignment: Aligns the header or title to the left side of the slide.

e) State three reasons for using queries in a database management system.

  • Data retrieval: To extract specific information from large datasets.
  • Data update: To make changes to multiple records efficiently.
  • Perform calculations: To calculate totals, averages, etc., from database data.

a) Explain each of the following features as used in a spreadsheet program:

  • Sort: Arranges data in a particular order, either ascending or descending.
  • Filter: Narrows down the data displayed by hiding irrelevant data based on criteria.

b) Insert notes in multiple speaker notes in slides created using a presentation program.

  • This allows presenters to add personal notes visible only to themselves during a presentation.

c) Outline three items that may include in a paper setup.

  • Orientation: Determines if the document is printed in portrait or landscape.
  • Margins: Defines the space around the edges of the page.
  • Paper size: Specifies the dimensions of the paper, e.g., A4, Letter.

d) Outline two ways how you could access the speaker notes during a presentation.

  • Presenter view: Shows the notes on the presenter’s screen but not on the audience’s display.
  • Printing notes: Speaker notes can be printed and referred to during the presentation.

e) With the aid of a chart in each case, describe the following components of entity-relationship models:

  • Attribute: A property or characteristic of an entity.
  • Relationship: Describes how two entities interact or are associated with one another.