
(a) Explain the role of operating systems in program development.
Operating systems provide essential tools and environments for program development, including compilers, debuggers, and editors.
(2 marks)

(b) Explain the role of operating systems in system access.
Operating systems manage system access by authenticating users, providing secure login, and maintaining access control to ensure only authorized users can interact with the system.
(2 marks)

Read more on Role of Operating Systems


(a) Outline two typical characteristics of microkernel architecture operating systems.

  1. Minimal core functions.
  2. Modular components that run in user space.
    (2 marks)

(b) Explain four reasons that could necessitate the termination of a running process.

  1. Completion: The process has finished its execution.
  2. Error: The process encounters an unrecoverable error.
  3. Resource Shortage: The system lacks the necessary resources to continue the process.
  4. Manual Termination: The process is manually terminated by the user or system administrator.
    (8 marks)

Read more on Microkernel Architecture


(a) Outline two typical attributes associated with computer files.

  1. File name.
  2. File size.
    (2 marks)

(b) Differentiate between memory paging and memory segmentation.

  1. Paging: Memory is divided into fixed-size pages. Each page can be mapped to any physical memory location.
  2. Segmentation: Memory is divided into segments based on logical divisions. Each segment can vary in size and can be mapped to different locations in physical memory.
    (4 marks)

Read more on File Attributes and Memory Management


(a) Describe a multiprocessor system.
Multiprocessor systems have multiple CPUs that share a common memory and peripheral devices, enhancing performance and reliability.
(2 marks)

(b) Explain two advantages of a multiprocessor system that could have influenced the advice given to Youl Technical Institute.

  1. Increased Performance: Multiple processors can handle more tasks simultaneously.
  2. Fault Tolerance: If one processor fails, others can continue functioning, improving system reliability.
    (4 marks)

Read more on Multiprocessor Systems


(a) Explain the term “multithreading” as used in operating systems.
Multithreading is the ability of a CPU to execute multiple threads concurrently, improving efficiency and performance.
(2 marks)

(b) Explain the term “process” as used in operating systems.
A process is a program in execution, including its code, data, and system resources.
(2 marks)

Read more on Terms in Operating Systems


Outline four typical functions of the operating system kernel during process management.

  1. Process scheduling.
  2. Context switching.
  3. Inter-process communication.
  4. Resource allocation.
    (4 marks)

Read more on Kernel Functions in Process Management


Differentiate between block-oriented and stream-oriented I/O devices.

  1. Block-oriented: Data is handled in fixed-size blocks.
  2. Stream-oriented: Data is handled as a continuous stream of bytes.
    (4 marks)

Read more on I/O Devices


Explain four requirements that the memory management design of an operating system should endeavor to satisfy.

  1. Efficiency: Maximize the use of available memory.
  2. Protection: Ensure that processes do not interfere with each other’s memory.
  3. Allocation: Dynamic allocation and deallocation of memory.
  4. Mapping: Efficiently map logical addresses to physical addresses.
    (8 marks)

Read more on Memory Management Design Requirements


Outline four criteria that should be considered when selecting a file organization method.

  1. Access speed.
  2. Storage efficiency.
  3. Data redundancy.
  4. Flexibility of structure.
    (4 marks)

Read more on File Organization Method Selection


Describe three types of operations commonly performed on file directories.

  1. Creating directories.
  2. Deleting directories.
  3. Renaming directories.
    (6 marks)

Read more on File Directory Operations


Differentiate between demand cleaning and pre-cleaning as used in virtual memory management.

  1. Demand Cleaning: Pages are cleaned when they are required for new data.
  2. Pre-cleaning: Pages are cleaned in advance, before they are needed.
    (4 marks)

Read more on Virtual Memory Management


Describe the process of reading a block of data from a device using the DMA I/O technique.

  1. CPU initializes the DMA controller with the source and destination addresses and the data count.
  2. DMA controller takes over the data transfer from the device to memory.
  3. Upon completion, the DMA controller interrupts the CPU to indicate the transfer is done.
    (6 marks)

Read more on DMA I/O Technique


(a) Explain the term “head” as used in disk systems.
The head is the part of a disk drive that reads and writes data.
(2 marks)

(b) Explain the term “density” as used in disk systems.
Density refers to the amount of data that can be stored in a given area of the disk.
(2 marks)

Read more on RAID Concepts


(a) Explain two types of indexes that could be applied in an index-sequential file organization system.

  1. Primary Index: Indexes based on primary key.
  2. Secondary Index: Indexes based on non-primary key attributes.
    (4 marks)

 (b) Outline two application areas where the index-sequential file organization system is most appropriate.

  1. Databases.
  2. File systems requiring fast access to records.
    (2 marks)

Read more on Index-sequential File Organization


(a) Identify the condition depicted in the figure and justify your answer.
(2 marks)

(b) Explain three measures that could have prevented the condition.
(6 marks)

Read more on Process Management Conditions


(a) Distinguish between a clock interrupt and an I/O interrupt as used in process management.

  1. Clock Interrupt: A signal sent at regular intervals to manage system time and process scheduling.
  2. I/O Interrupt: A signal indicating that an I/O operation has completed, prompting the CPU to process the data.
    (4 marks)

Read more on Clock Interrupt vs. I/O Interrupt


(a) Explain the principle of locality as used in memory management.
Programs tend to access a relatively small portion of their address space at any given time.
(2 marks)

(b) Outline four typical contents of a page frame data table as applied in memory management systems.

  1. Page frame number.
  2. Status bits.
  3. Reference count.
  4. Modified bit.
    (4 marks)

Read more on Principle of Locality in Memory Management


For each of the following disk scheduling algorithms, determine the average seek length assuming that the starting track is 100:

(a) FIFO:
(3 marks)

(b) SSTF:
(3 marks)

Read more on Disk Scheduling Algorithms


Describe the contiguous file allocation method with the aid of a diagram.
(4 marks)

Read more on Contiguous File Allocation Method


(a) Explain the term “virtual address” as used in memory management.
A virtual address is an address used by programs to access memory, which is then translated to a physical address by the system.
(2 marks)

(b) Explain the term “thrashing” as used in memory management.
Thrashing is a condition where excessive paging operations reduce the overall performance of the system.
(2 marks)

Read more on Memory Management Terms


Describe a typical organization of an I/O subsystem with the aid of a diagram.
(7 marks)

Read more on I/O Subsystem Organization


Outline three lists that are maintained to manage the buffer cache in UNIX systems.

  1. Free list.
  2. Dirty list.
  3. LRU (Least Recently Used) list.
    (3 marks)

Read more on Buffer Cache Management in UNIX


Explain three techniques applied by operating systems to manage space on disks.

  1. Bitmaps: Use of bitmaps to track free and allocated space.
  2. Linked Lists: Use of linked lists to manage free blocks.
  3. Free-space Grouping: Grouping free blocks together.
    (6 marks)

Read more on Free Space Management


Differentiate between best-fit and first-fit policies as used in memory management.

  1. Best-fit: Allocates the smallest available block that fits the requested size.
  2. First-fit: Allocates the first available block that is large enough.
    (4 marks)

Read more on Best-fit vs. First-fit Policies


Outline two categories of user access rights used in file management.

  1. Read: Permission to read the file.
  2. Write: Permission to modify the file.
    (2 marks)

Read more on User Access Rights


Outline four requirements for an interactive and networked environment that a file management system should satisfy.

  1. Security: Protecting files from unauthorized access.
  2. Concurrency: Managing access by multiple users.
  3. Recovery: Ensuring data

Read more on File Management Requirements