Paper 1
November 2021
Time: 2 hours

Paper 1

This paper consists of SIX questions.
Answer ANY FIVE of the SIX questions in the answer booklets provided.
Candidates should answer the questions in English.

1. (a) Outline three features of a graphical user interface in operating systems.

    1. Uses icons to represent tasks.
    2. Allows use of windows to display content.
    3. Users interact with the system through graphical elements like buttons and menus.

(b) Describe each of the following types of operating systems:

(i) Distributed operating system

  • ANSWER: Manages a group of distinct computers and makes them appear as a single system to the user.

(ii) Multiprocessing operating system

  • ANSWER: Capable of supporting and using more than one processor at the same time.

(iii) Multitasking operating system

  • ANSWER: Allows multiple tasks or programs to run concurrently by allocating system resources as needed.

(c) Alice intends to create a document using a word processing program. Outline four types of computer editing features supported by the program.

    1. Copy-paste functionality.
    2. Text formatting options (bold, italics, underline).
    3. Spell-check and grammar correction tools.
    4. Find and replace feature for text.

2. (a) State six input devices used in a computer system.

    1. Keyboard.
    2. Mouse.
    3. Scanner.
    4. Microphone.
    5. Webcam.
    6. Touchpad.

(b) Explain the following terms as used in word processing:

(i) Clipboard

  • ANSWER: Temporary storage area for data that is copied or moved between applications.

(ii) Hyperlink

  • ANSWER: A link in a document that leads to another location, either in the same document or an external webpage, when clicked.

(c) State and explain two main situations in which data and word document are used in word processing.

    1. Formatting academic reports.
    2. Creating business contracts and official letters.

3. (a) Explain how sound slides in a presentation are created. Outline four types of media that could have been used.

    Sound slides can be created by embedding sound files into a presentation, syncing them with specific slides.
    The types of media include:

    1. Audio recordings (mp3, wav).
    2. Video clips.
    3. Images (jpeg, png).
    4. Animations or gifs.

4. (a) Kenya has limited resources in terms of access to the Internet. Outline three types of limitations that may be faced by local firms in ICT infrastructure development.

    1. High cost of internet connectivity.
    2. Lack of sufficient fiber optic coverage in rural areas.
    3. Poor quality of service from internet providers.

(b) Describe two scenarios in which the following number formats are used in a spreadsheet application:

(i) Percentage

  • ANSWER: Useful when displaying data related to statistical analysis or interest rates in financial reports.

(ii) Fraction

  • ANSWER: Applied in scenarios involving quantities, measurements, or ratios in technical drawings or recipes.

5. (a) Write a formula that may have been used in the cell C2 in a worksheet as shown.
[Skipped – involves a figure/table]

6. (a) Outline three ways that fonts could be used as different styles in a desktop publishing application.

    1. Titles or headings can use bold, larger font sizes.
    2. Subheadings might use italics or a different font style.
    3. Body text can be justified and set to a specific size for easy readability.

(b) Explain the significance of font styles when designing a brochure in a desktop publishing application.

  • ANSWER: Font styles enhance readability, make important sections stand out, and establish the tone and theme of the document.

6. (c) Outline four ways to create a database program before printing labels.

    1. Set up tables to organize data fields for each label.
    2. Use queries to extract specific information for the labels.
    3. Format the labels in the report section of the database software.
    4. Link the labels to the database using mail merge functions in a word processor