November 2017
Time: 3 hours
This paper consists of 14 questions in TWO sections, A and B.
Answer ALL the questions in section A in the answer booklet provided.
Candidates should answer the questions in English.
This paper consists of 4 printed pages.
Candidates should check the question paper to ascertain that all the pages are printed as indicated and that no questions are missing.
SECTION A (20 marks)
Answer ALL the questions in this section.
- List three features of a special interview.
ANSWER:- Focused on a specific topic or issue.
- Formal setting.
- Prearranged questions.
- List four instances when a negative letter may be written by an organization.
ANSWER:- Termination of employment.
- Rejection of a job application.
- Denial of a customer’s request.
- Communicating disciplinary action.
- State three ways organizations may use written reports.
ANSWER:- To communicate research findings.
- For decision-making purposes.
- To provide official documentation of activities.
- Outline three advantages of holding meetings in organizations.
ANSWER:- Encourages teamwork and collaboration.
- Facilitates clear communication.
- Enables problem-solving and decision-making.
- State three uses of control communication in an organization.
ANSWER:- Monitoring employee performance.
- Ensuring adherence to company policies.
- Correcting deviations from set objectives.
- State three reasons for selecting communication media carefully.
ANSWER:- To ensure the message is received clearly.
- To match the message with the audience’s preferences.
- To avoid misinterpretation or distortion of the message.
- State three factors that determine the appropriate time to make a telephone call.
ANSWER:- Time zone differences.
- The urgency of the message.
- The recipient’s availability.
- List three reasons why a speaker should maintain eye contact when communicating.
ANSWER:- To build rapport with the audience.
- To maintain attention.
- To gauge audience reactions.
- List four forms of visual communication which may be used to pass information.
ANSWER:- Charts.
- Graphs.
- Diagrams.
- Infographics.
- State three instances when a sender may prefer to use email to pass information.
ANSWER:- When quick communication is needed.
- To send detailed or lengthy documents.
- For record-keeping purposes.
SECTION B (30 marks)
Answer ALL the questions in this section.
- (a) Jamal Limited has advertised a vacant position in the company and has invited qualified candidates to send curriculum vitae. Assume that you qualify and write a curriculum vitae.
(This question requires a curriculum vitae to be written. Skip this part.)
(b) Outline three ways of capturing the attention of the audience when delivering a speech.
- Use of engaging anecdotes or stories.
- Starting with a strong statement or question.
- Utilizing visual aids to reinforce points.
- Explain four ways in which the chairperson may ensure the success of a meeting.
ANSWER:- Preparing an agenda in advance.
- Ensuring that discussions stay on topic.
- Managing time effectively during the meeting.
- Encouraging participation from all attendees.
- Explain four ways in which the receiver may minimize barriers to oral communication.
ANSWER:- Active listening.
- Providing feedback to the speaker.
- Clarifying unclear points immediately.
- Eliminating distractions during the conversation.
- Read the passage below and then answer the questions that follow.
Business leaders often struggle to ensure that their employees are productive. Measuring employee productivity is not an easy task. A number of applications have been developed to help employers monitor, in the absence of physical checks on human productivity. Employers can now deploy software that logs on and keeps track of the time the employee logs onto work, the time used at work, and how long employees spend on websites.
However, these clearly behavioral characteristics are by no means an assurance of productivity. In a modern work environment, employees often work in teams for more than 5 hours a day. The time used on the task may therefore not necessarily be a good measure of their efficiency.
Research findings show that only 33% of employees were ‘engaged’ with their work. A study in the US revealed that four out of ten employees think their boss is a jerk. Analysts from a recent Gallup study established that disengaged employees jeopardize organizational success. Disengaged employees cost employers over $500 billion annually. These statistics call for employers to create healthy and productive work environments.
To create a healthy and productive work environment, several measures are to be taken. Employers need to work closely with employees, engaging them in decision-making processes that are connected to workplace efficiency and effectiveness. The same study noted that employers who engage their workers make them more productive.
Further, a healthy workplace requires the employer to know how employees feel about their job and encourage feedback on performance. The study shows that feedback from employers leads to higher employee productivity.
Additionally, encouraging staff to live healthy lifestyles maintains employees’ physical and mental health. Exercise brings many benefits to employees including stress relief, mood improvement, and better focus at work. Unfortunately, unhealthy work relationships which usually involve stress are a major source of conflict. The employer should therefore aim to create an environment where conflict is dealt with in a healthy way and problems are addressed at their source.
(Adapted from the Business Daily Tuesday, 21st February, 2017.)
(a) State the meaning of the following words and phrases as used in the passage.
i) monitoring
– Observing and checking the progress or quality of something over a period of time.
ii) efficiency
– The ability to accomplish a task with minimum wasted effort or expense.
iii) jeopardize
– To put something into a situation of potential loss, harm, or danger.
iv) effectiveness
– The degree to which something is successful in producing a desired result.
v) productive
– Producing or able to produce large amounts of goods, services, or results.
(b) In about 100 words and according to the passage, explain the ways in which an employer may create a healthy and productive work environment.
- Employers can create a healthy and productive work environment by engaging employees in decision-making processes, offering regular feedback on performance, and encouraging healthy lifestyles. This can include implementing programs that promote physical and mental well-being, reducing work-related stress, and fostering a positive and collaborative work atmosphere. Additionally, addressing workplace conflicts in a constructive manner helps in maintaining productivity and morale. These measures, when combined, contribute to increased employee engagement and organizational success.